Judean Unarmoured Swordsmen - STLs
Judean Unarmoured Swordsmen - STLs
Three Judean swordsmen, for use in a dedicated Judean army, or as auxiliaries or 'imitation legionaries' to the Macedonian Successors and Romans (note that the middle guy, with the chain mail, isn't yet in production)
By buying these you are agreeing to non-commercial use of these STLs. You're free to print them for yourself, but these files cannot be distributed, sold, assigned, transferred or otherwise redistributed either in the original format or as a part of a scene, animation or in any other format from which any original product or any part of it can be separately exported, extracted, or decompiled into any redistributable form or format.
This also affects the printed models, which cannot be distributed or be part of any third-party sales business. All the models (files and physical copies) are for private use only.
Modify content in any way in order to conform to your needs, however, any such modifications are still derivatives of the original and can not be sold or distributed as your own (whether to be sold separately or packaged/included with any other products/files).
We ship all our miniatures in cardboard, and packed in with shock-absorbing material to protect them from butterfingers couriers. It's better for the environment, and more useful to you! If the mini is too big for one of our standard boxes we'll find something close enough.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
All our miniatures are currently printed in standard, black, eSun resin (we think it gives the best detail). But the resin remains photosensitive. Once you receive your minis, either keep them in their box and out of sunlight, or assemble and undercoat them.