We're bringing the corner store back to wargaming.
It seems like wargaming has become the preserve of 'Big Gaming' these days, but 3D printing is making it more accessible to the little guy. Like us.
New figures
We've finally updated the Republican and Imperial Range from 3D Breed! The full range is available.
Featured products
The Hellenised Judean range is designed to represent the independent Kingdoms and rebellions of the Classical, Macedonian Successor, and Early Roman Imperial periods.
The figures are specifically designed to represent the style and dress of Judeans of the period, but can be used for a range of Middle-Eastern nations if you so choose.
3D Breed WW2
We now stock the Join or Die WW2 range of Germans and US GIs. They're great figures and are quite different to the usual 3D Breed range.
RKX Fallshirmjager
The much-awaited RKX Fallschirmjäger are starting to be published, so they're on the site! Also Reconquer Designs has some new Berber Infantry and they're looking at beautiful as always.
Bulge Americans and Germans in Winter Gear
Interested in the Battle of Bulge? We're now selling the RKX Range of Americans and Germans in Winter uniform
Red Copper Arabs
A new line from Red Copper Miniatures, this time Arab Conquest! These are available in 15 and 28mm.
RKX WW2 Canadians
A beautiful range of 28mm WW2 miniatures. We've bought in the Canadian/Commonwealth range, and will see about the German and American Bulge Ranges if these are popular.
We're expanding into DnD!
After discovering STL Miniatures we're branching out a wee bit and opening a slot for fantasy and roleplay miniatures. Honestly, these are some mighty nice miniatures!
The Old West
Join or Die has an amazing range of characters and terrain from the Old West of the US.
3D Breed has arrived
We're now selling 3D Breed miniatures! The range will start with Classical Greeks, Macedonians, and Achaemenid Persians, but should expand over time.
DishDash Games
Potbelly Miniatures is now selling DishDash Games 28mm ultramodern infantry. We're ridiculously pleased to be carrying this range, which will slowly be complemented with vehicles.
The Swedes are here!
Potbelly Miniatures is now a licenced retailer for SteelOxide 3D, a range of modern AFVs. We've started with the Swedes in 15mm, and hope to expand the range.
Warhammer 40k
We've printed a lot of parts for Warhammer, and thought you'd be interested. If you are, I've put a price list up on another page, so mash that button and come check them out.
Sea Peoples, Hittites, Egyptians, and Hebrews now available!
Red Copper Miniatures has completed their latest Kickstarter, which means Potbelly we're selling the miniatures in 15 and 28mm!
Select Red Copper from the menu above to select from a wide range of miniatures
Aztec warriors
Potbelly is now licenced to print Red Copper Miniatures' Aztec and Purépecha range! This is a gorgeous range of foot soldiers covering the height of the Aztec Empire. Come look at the minis!
Reconquer Designs
The finest Dark Ages and Medieval miniatures on the market -
Red Copper Miniatures
Red Copper is a growing range of 15 and 28mm ancients figures. They feature Aztecs, Hebrew, Sea People, Egyptians, and Hittites
Commission Painting
If you're needing that miniature painted by some of the best painters in Wellington, New Zealand, mash this link and we'll see about setting you up.
Find your own STLs to print
Where to buy STL FilesIf you have your own printer and want to get to it, well, here's some links to get you started. Or, if you're looking for something we don't sell but want on commission, then there is an entire universe of models out there
3D Breed
We stock a carefully curated selection of the 3D Breed range of miniatures, largely in both 15 and 28mm