Links to file sellers

A list of all the people I've found who sell STL files! Get amongst it, there are some pretty fantastic sculptors out there.


  1. Reconquest Designs, Medieval Berbers, Arabs, Spanish (but... I also sell these directly)
  2. Medbury Miniatures, Fantasy, 'Steppe', and medieval-like.
  3. VitalyKhan, Warhammer 40k spare parts and customisation kits.
  4. Piano Wargames, the finest Napoleonic sculpts you'll ever see.
  5. 3D Breed, a range of stocky 28mm historicals including WW2, Classical Greece and Persia, the US West, Fantasy, and SciFi
  6. Eskice Miniatures, WW2 and other ranges
  7. Cromarty Forge, a growing range of 10/15mm Republican and Early Imperial Romans
  8. Highland Miniatures, a fantasy range, but with figures you could easily use as high medieval.
  9. Red Copper Miniatures, a small but growing range of Ancients including Meso-Americans.

Pure Scifi

  1. Papiskels Miniatures, a beautiful SciFi range with a passing resemblance to the "Aliens" universe.
  2. 2nd Dynasty, 28mm space people, including the Traveller universe! There's also spaceships for printing in plastic, or resin if you're stinking rich

Scenery and Basing

  1. GameScape 3D, a wide variety of printable terrain
  2. Printable Scenery, which is pretty much what it says on the box, with a limited number of miniatures as well
  3. Epic Basing, for a huge range of bits and pieces you can add to bases.

Generalist 3D files sites

  1. Thingiverse, a gazillion free files to download.
  2. Cults3D, another gazillion files, but many are pay per download.
  3. More to come!