12th Century Iberian Knights
12th Century Iberian Knights
Charging knights in the C12th Iberian style. You'll receive 3 or 4 randomly selected knights and mounts, or can buy the whole shebang (9 knights) for a slight discount. We'll also supply the pennants for you to mount on brass or steel spears - this is strongly recommended.
We'll supply a random selection of riders and mounts, but we'll try to make sure you get as few double-ups as possible. Shields can be purchased separately.
If you purchase the full set, you'll also get the general figure
We ship all our miniatures in cardboard, and packed in with shock-absorbing material to protect them from butterfingers couriers. It's better for the environment, and more useful to you! If the mini is too big for one of our standard boxes we'll find something close enough.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
All our miniatures are currently printed in standard, black, eSun resin (we think it gives the best detail). But the resin remains photosensitive. Once you receive your minis, either keep them in their box and out of sunlight, or assemble and undercoat them.